Mgr. Kamila Hříchová

Mgr. Kamila Hříchová – managing director


FF UK Bratislava, major subject: social psychology


until 1996: Methodical and Research Section of the Slovak Radio (well-established institution for media and public opinion research, which successfully accomplished an exit poll for the Slovak Television in 1992 and 1994)

1996-1997: MVK, Ltd., an independent agency for media and public opinion research (still a co-owner). The agency continues in work of the Methodical and Research Section of the Slovak Radio.

1991- till now: AKO agency, co-owner and agent

Mgr. Kamila Hříchová has been a SAVA representative in the jury of the contest of the advertising effectiveness EFFIE for 7 years.

She is a hosting lecturer in the Department of Marketing Communication of FF UK and Economic University in Bratislava. She is a foreign member and a vice-president of the APT (Association of Psychologists of the Market) for Slovak Republic.

She has moderated up to 1000 Focus Groups and has lead more than 400 research projects.